
Transforming India Through

fertilizers Products in India

Unlocking the Earth's potential, fertilizers enrich soil fertility, nurturing vibrant plant life and boosting crop yields by replenishing vital nutrients. Vital for sustainable agriculture, fertilizers optimize productivity, safeguarding our global food security amidst a burgeoning population's needs.

Nitrogen Sulphur (NPS 11:0:75)

It is a compound of Nitrogen-11% and Sulphur-75%. Sulphur is an essential nutrient for all crops, it helps with efficient use of Nitrogen and essential growth requirements. Nitrogen Sulphur is a unique formulation which ensures synergetic supply of Nitrogen and Sulphur which plays an important role in the development of key enzymes and vitamins within the plant. It's usefully of all crops like wheat, rice, vegetables, Fruits, Flowers, sugarcane, Oil seeds, cotton, etc.

Sulphur 90% Granular

Sulphur 90 is a granular fertilizer made up of thousands of tiny particles of elemental sulphur. Sulphur 90 contains a special blend of bentonite clay which swells up with moisture to fracture the pastille and disperse the sulphur particles. Wetting & Dispersing agents can also be added for ready availability of sulphur to soil.

Polyhalite Dihydrate (Polysulphate)

Polyhalite is an evaporate mineral, a hydrated sulfate of Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium with formula: K,Ca, Mg(SO₂), 2H,O. TRPL's Polyhalite is a multi- nutrient fertilizer. It contains readily available Sulphate Sulphur (as 5>17.5%), plus Potassium (as K,O>12.5%), Magnesium (as MgO>5.0%) and Calcium (as CaO>15.0%) which ensures increased crop yields and improved crop quality. TRPL's Polyhalite can help to improve the drainage and fertility of soil. It can also help to reduce the acidity of soil.

Zincated Bentonite Sulphur Granular

It is composed 65% Elemental sulphur, 18% Zinc is Granular in shape. Granules of Sulphur zinc readily disperse when wetted in soil and release micronized elemental sulphur and zinc particles. It allows season long Sulphur and Zinc supply. Under most conditions, more than 50% of its Sulphur is available within first month and balance continues to convert throughout the growing season to maximize yield and quality.

Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate (Zn-33%)

Zinc is one of the essential micronutrients that acts as a catalyst for activating enzymes required for synthesis plant proteins. Zinc Sulphate monohydrate (Zn-33%+S-15%) prevents and corrects the zinc deficiency in crops. Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate can be applied to the crops at the time of sowing and in the standing crop.

Zinc Oxide 39.5% SC

Zinc Oxide 39.5% SC is a highly concentrated free-flowing zinc formula. Zinc Oxide 39.5% SC is designed for rapid uptake and long-term feeding in plants; fewer applications are required. 100% water-soluble formula. It boosts chloroplast and enzyme production.Zinc Oxide includes direct application to soils to correct the zinc deficiency, root dipping and seed coating before crop transplant but also as ingredient for foliar application of zinc.